Movie distributors placed just one cinema commercial in TV’s Super Bowl telecast, although Hollywood was all over the Feb. 7 sports events with video streamers, celebrities, and loads of imagery from famous movie/TV content. The telecast carried six movie-related commercials in streaming and streaming platforms, especially Paramount+, which is a corporate sibling of Super … [Read more...] about Streamers Supplant Films in Super Bowl
Five Movie Ads Pop in Super Bowl Broadcast
Domestic theatrical movie releases accounted for five of the 62 expensive TV commercials in the Fox Broadcasting telecast of the Super Bowl football game yesterday. That's in line with the four-to-eight slots in the past. Movies were joined by some relatively-new media cousins: TV services such as the Disney+ streaming service, which accounted or another four paid … [Read more...] about Five Movie Ads Pop in Super Bowl Broadcast
Global P&A Often Surpasses Production Cost's annual analysis of single-picture profit/loss indicates marketing costs continue climb and often surpass the production expense of major-studio films. The reality of surging marketing costs runs counter to some (ill-conceived) predictions that social media and other online media would replace costly TV advertising (ill-conceived because wide-reach TV is need to … [Read more...] about Global P&A Often Surpasses Production Cost
Fox Marketing Disbanded Following Disney Buy
Walt Disney Co. dismantled the 20th Century Fox theatrical marketing arm in terms of executives, as part of a large staff cut following its recent $71 billion acquisition of the Fox Studio. That big shakeup ended a period of relative calm in the executive suites of Hollywood’s theatrical movie marketing. Another development is MGM, which is building a theatrical … [Read more...] about Fox Marketing Disbanded Following Disney Buy
Movie Ads Down In Super Bowl, But TV Streamers Rise
TV’s premiere advertising event, the Super Bowl received just four-and-a-half theatrical motion picture commercials -- at the low end of the 4-8 spots range by historical standards. In last year's telecast of pro football's championship game, movie studios bought eight commercials for films. However, this year Hollywood was also conspicuous with acting and music celebrities … [Read more...] about Movie Ads Down In Super Bowl, But TV Streamers Rise
Films Sold at Fests Often Disappoint Later
Acquiring finished movies at film festivals is a celebrated activity generating breathless news reports and industry buzz. Chosen films are bought after informal industry auctions to later be put in general theatrical release -- which is a marketing function. A "Hollywood Reporter" article by Tatiana Siegel recounts that festival deals -- while often result of frenzied … [Read more...] about Films Sold at Fests Often Disappoint Later
Netflix, Major Studios on Spending Binge for Awards
Trade newspaper Variety reports that Hollywood spending on awards marketing is escalating as dot.coms such as Netflix flash their huge cash-wads in the movie business. On top of that, the major studios have some legitimate Oscar contenders for Best Picture, unlike in past years, so they too are reaching into their deep pockets (usually it's cash-strapped indie film companies … [Read more...] about Netflix, Major Studios on Spending Binge for Awards
Ad Spend, Audience Test Central in Beatty Film Spat
Warren Beatty's passion project "Rules Don't Apply" became a financial flop in 2016 at the box office, but still-boiling lawsuits from investors reveals behind-the-scenes disputes over marketing. Creative talent, financiers and studio executives battled over interpreting audience reactions in prerelease test screenings, selection of its holiday release date, creative … [Read more...] about Ad Spend, Audience Test Central in Beatty Film Spat
MoviePass Risks Becoming MoviePast
Flat-monthly-fee cinema ticket subscription service MoviePass is at a crossroads. Shares of its parent (NasdaqCM: ticker symbol HMNY) peaked at $32.90 a share back in October when MoviePass cut its monthly fee, which swelled its subscribers that now number about 2.7 million. But as losses mounted, share price collapsed to a penny-stock level under 60 cents today, amid … [Read more...] about MoviePass Risks Becoming MoviePast
Dissecting ‘Geostorm’ Flop: Reshoots Couldn’t Save It
Warner Bros. disaster yarn 'Geostorm' bombed and a analysis lays the blame on an incoherent on-screen story that furious behind-the-scene scrambling did not completely repair. The $120+ million production grossed just $13.3 million domestically in its premiere three-day weekend to tepid reviews from critics and audiences exiting theaters. Warner Bros. Pictures … [Read more...] about Dissecting ‘Geostorm’ Flop: Reshoots Couldn’t Save It