Trade newspaper Variety reports that Hollywood spending on awards marketing is escalating as dot.coms such as Netflix flash their huge cash-wads in the movie business. On top of that, the major studios have some legitimate Oscar contenders for Best Picture, unlike in past years, so they too are reaching into their deep pockets (usually it's cash-strapped indie film companies … [Read more...] about Netflix, Major Studios on Spending Binge for Awards
‘Aquaman’ Makes Splash with Character-specific Posters
Here’s an attention-getting assortment of character-specific movie posters for “Aquaman,” which Warner Bros. Pictures yarn Dec. 21. The sci-fi fantasy drama is rated PG-13. “With the release of James Wan’s Aquaman a little over a month way, Warner Bros. has decided that it’s time for audiences to start familiarizing themselves with the main players in the underwater drama,” … [Read more...] about ‘Aquaman’ Makes Splash with Character-specific Posters
Crackdown on Fest Reviews Amid Digital Leakage
Leakage from digital media is shutting down the long-standing practice of allowing critics to post reviews on films in festivals long before the same films go into general release. Back in the day, those reviews were published in trade publications seen only by in-the-business professionals. Now, trade-press reviews online get picked up by others and so Italy's venerable … [Read more...] about Crackdown on Fest Reviews Amid Digital Leakage
‘Deadpool 2’ Humor Shines in 7-Eleven promo
20th Century Fox's "Deadpool 2" mounts a fun, bouncy tie-in promotion with the 7-Eleven convenience stores -- which number 9,700 in the United States and Canada. I saw a humorous in-cinema advertisement where the "Deadpool" character interacts with 7-Eleven cashiers in a mischievous, droll manner. The store chain wants customers to use their 7-Eleven rewards apps (if not … [Read more...] about ‘Deadpool 2’ Humor Shines in 7-Eleven promo
‘Tonya’ Source Demands Journos Avoid Controversy
Arm-twisting reporters so they don’t ask talent about touchy subjects is a shadowy part of celebrity press interviews but has popped into the open for the movie “I, Tonya.” The drama with bursts of deadpan comedy stars Margot Robbie portraying ice skater Tonya Harding during the real-life crime perpetrated by Harding's entourage that maimed her main rival in 1994. “The … [Read more...] about ‘Tonya’ Source Demands Journos Avoid Controversy
Did Angry Fanboys Rip ‘Jedi’ for Feminism?
There's a buzz questioning whether riled-up fanboys drove down user-ratings for “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” for its alleged feminist-friendly orientation. A Variety article by Todd Spangler notes that movie rating website Rotten Tomatoes reported that film critics gave “Jedi” a lofty 92% rating, but the website’s users just 54%. There were claims that automated bots unleashed … [Read more...] about Did Angry Fanboys Rip ‘Jedi’ for Feminism?
Disney Retaliates Against Newspaper By Blocking Reviewers
Walt Disney Studios won’t give customary access to film critics from the “Los Angeles Times” for advance screenings because of displeasure for the newspaper questioning in questioning if an area Disney theme park pays its fair share of local taxes. The “Los Angeles Times” published a note to readers that accompanies its holiday movie section: “This year, Walt Disney Co. … [Read more...] about Disney Retaliates Against Newspaper By Blocking Reviewers
Star Power Wanes for Leading Men
Movie audiences used to revere male movie stars as god-like, but today's movie stars have meltdowns in public, showing clay feet that pierces their aura. This relates to movie marketing because star-power is diminishing as a draw, and it's no surprise why. "It's curious to see so many male megastars -- so good-looking, wealthy, undeniably privileged -- unravel so … [Read more...] about Star Power Wanes for Leading Men
Oscar Rules Tweaked for Docus, Awards Campaigning
The reigning best-documentary Oscar winner would no longer be eligible going forward under a raft of changes in annual rules revisions issued today by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. In other revisions, AMPAS tweaked numerous rules governing campaigning for awards and also some awards procedures, such as allowing the entire membership of AMPAS to nominate … [Read more...] about Oscar Rules Tweaked for Docus, Awards Campaigning
Magazine Charts Arc of Awards Marketing
"New Yorker" magazine published an in-depth story on the movie academy with its uneven response to charges of Oscars slighting people of color and also putting awards marketing under a microscope. The article is a long (but interesting) read with context and history. The article about the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (AMPAS) reveals these tidbits on Oscar … [Read more...] about Magazine Charts Arc of Awards Marketing