R-rated comic book adventure-comedy “Deadpool” remains the #1 box office film in its second weekend, raising the question why this 20th Century Fox youth-audience film became a surprise blockbuster.
In 12 days of release, “Deadpool” has grossed $234 million domestically, including $55 this weekend. It’s all the more surprising that blockbuster performance is for a movie based on middle-of-the-pack Marvel Comics superhero.
What gives?
My feeling is Fox shrewdly saw the comic-book-to-movies adaptations remain popular with moviegoers, though risked audience fatigue from constant PG-13-rated variations of coming-of-age by youthful goodie-goodie characters. The restricted-rated “Deadpool” is foul-mouthed, self-reverential and features an anti-hero. The lead character delivers dry deadpan humor talking to the camera, which is different for comic-book adaptations.
In short, Fox felt it was time to “zig” when the rest of Hollywood “zagged” — sticking to the traditional PG-13 formula.
The risk wasn’t that great for Fox because “Deadpool” reportedly cost $58 million to make—about one-third of glossy, earnest comic book films. And raunchy films like “The Hangover” and a spate of moderate hit female R-rated comedies also buttress the rationale for “Deadpool.”
The bawdy creative thrust, though unusual, wasn’t unprecedented. Deadline.com’s Anthony D’Alessandro reminded that Lionsgate’s 2010 R-rated superhero romp “Kick Ass” generated just okay box office (the audience wasn’t ready in 2010!). Like “Deadpool”, “Kick Ass” is very irreverent and in the super hero space.
“The studio is giving hardcore fans what they’ve been demanding for years — the character’s trademark brand of smarminess,” writes Chris Boyles of Business2Community.
Fox marketing executives told Jeanine Poggie of Advertising Age that they credit social media embracing the movie in the run-up to its premiere, along with a big traditional-media blitz concentrated in the week prior. “And heading into opening weekend, ‘Deadpool’ took over three Viacom networks, with custom ads running during a three-hour stretch on MTV, VH1 and Spike,” wrote Poggie.
Writes Pamela McClintock in Hollywood Reporter, “In March 2015, a first-look photo was release depicting ‘Deadpool’ in his costume lying on a bearskin rug, mimicking the famous Burt Reynolds ‘Playgirl’ centerfold. The image was a key test to see if fans approved of the costume. They did. Then in the summer, Fox teased the first trailer at Comic-Con. Two weeks later, Fox and the filmmakers convinced Conan O’Brien’s show on TBS to change its rating to TV-MA so as to debut the first ‘Deadpool’ red-band trailer. It was the most viewed red-band trailer in history, garnering 114 million hits. The second red-band trailer debuted on Christmas Day, nabbing 90 million views.”
Indeed, it seems the marketing was clever with some great tactics but a swell film that cut against the grain was important too. Others trying to duplicate the against-the-grain formula may fall short because similar films will no longer be unusual.
One matter lost amid the box office bonanza is that pre-release movie tracking research inexplicably under estimated “Deadpool.” Inexplicable is the word because the opening forecast $60-65 million was far below its actual $132.4 million Feb 12-14; particularly surprising because the young adult fanboy demographic is supposedly targeted by movie research firms. It’s a demo of heavy moviegoers that researchers should be knowledgeable.
James Gunn, director of another irreverent though more family-friend off-center comic book adaptation “Guardians of the Galaxy,” wrote on Facebook: “After every movie smashes records people here in Hollywood love to throw out the definitive reasons why the movie was a hit. I saw it happen with ‘Guardians.’ It ‘wasn’t afraid to be fun’ or it ‘was colorful and funny’ etc. etc. etc. And next thing I know I hear of a hundred film projects being set up ‘like Guardian.’”
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- ‘Deadpool’s $152.2M Opening: Why The Town Didn’t See It Coming Until It Happened
- Inside the Over-the-Top Marketing Strategy for ‘Deadpool’
- ‘Deadpool’ Isn’t a Comic Book Movie — It’s a Content Marketing Master Class
- ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Director Predicts Studios Will Miss The Point Of ‘Deadpool’ Success
- ‘Deadpool’: How Fox Turned Risque Superhero Into A Summer Smash In The Dead Of Winter
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