Sony Pictures aims its $200 million in third-party marketing support for “The Amazing Spider-Man” at women, figuring that is the elusive demographic for the PG-13 film that will open July 3.
“To do that,” says a Variety story by Marc Graser, “Kellogg’s and beauty brand OPI are now in the mix with companies like Carl’s Jr., Twizzler, Schick, Walmart and Target in the U.S. to back the web-slinger’s new adventures, guaranteeing Sony access to different demos on TV, online, radio, print, in stores and theaters. Altogether, around 400 promo partners worldwide have ponied up an estimated $200 million in marketing support for the film.”
The article continues, “Kellogg’s will reach out to mothers, plastering ‘Spidey’ on 75 million boxes of the company’s 45 food brands. It will also reach younger girls with an exclusive line of nail polish from OPI, with seven shades like ‘Call Me Gwen-ever,’ tying in with the Gwen Stacy character, played by Stone, who is a spokeswoman for Revlon.”
The story quotes George Leon, Sony Pictures’ executive VP of worldwide promotions, as saying men ages 18-34 are already a sweet spot, so women are now on the radar to expand the fan base. The movie is tracking for a huge premiere and has a good buzz for injecting human drama amid the action.
The tie-up with Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast food restaurants include a stunt offering free burger meals for the first 50 persons who show up in costume as “Spider-Man,” but a website explaining the promo requests “no masks”.
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