Hollywood rolls out horror films starting in early September to cash in on the Halloween holiday and “this year’s ghoulish conga line is particularly crowded,” notes an article in “The Hollywood Reporter.”
“A few movies, like Universal’s “Devil,” with a domestic gross of $32.4 million, posted modest returns, while others, such as Paramount Vantage’s “Case 39” ($12.7 million) and Relativity/Overture’s “Let Me In” ($11.6 million), were left bleeding at the side of the road,” says “The Hollywood Reporter” article by Carl DiOrio.
“This is one of the few genres you can sell on the cheap,” the article quotes Robert Marich, author of “Marketing to Moviegoers: Second Edition”. “A good YouTube trailer with some gory scenes is a cheap and effective way to go. That mechanism doesn’t work for a lot of other genres, but all the youth-oriented media are highly engaged with horror films.”
Horror films are cheap. “Paranormal Activity 2”–which opened last week to boffo boxoffice–cost $3 million to produce and the original from Paramount was made for just tens of thousands of dollars.
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