We’re all about illuminating the complex and critical movie-release window of domestic theatrical distribution and original movies in video streaming.

Hollywood’s five major movie studios normally spend over $4 billion annually in advertising buys to launch their theatrical films the United States/Canada markets, according to academic/business book “Marketing to Moviegoers: Third Edition.” Movie values in all windows including streaming and TV are established by performance in the initial cinema runs.
In addition to paid advertising, “Marketing to Moviegoers” covers making and placing film trailers; crafting impactful creative messages; researching and understanding audiences; marketing through theaters (exhibitors); mounting promotions with third parties; and arranging product placement in films themselves.
With its chapters segmented to simply explain theatrical distribution/exhibition, the book is ideal for academic usage by colleges and universities for film, media and marketing studies. An instructors guide is available through the web site to accredited teachers. “Marketing to Moviegoers” is also useful for Hollywood professionals, particularly because it is rich with real-world data points.
The third edition of the business/academic book “Marketing to Moviegoers” is authored by Robert Marich, who has three decades’ expertise as a journalist and business analyst for the movie and media businesses.
The third edition of “Marketing to Moviegoers” is designated ISBN-10: 0809331969 and ISBN-13 978-0809331963 for paperback, and ISBN 978-0-8093-3197-0 for eBook version.
An earlier edition was translated into the Japanese language by a movie industry promotion agency.