Netflix is unconcerned with maintaining a theatrical window for its in-house-produced movies, presenting a contrast to Amazon that supports theatricals for its films.

“Most major theater chains refuse to show the releases because Netflix posts them online right away, without giving exhibition an exclusive window,” writes journalist David Lieberman on Hollywood news website Netflix’s own movies include recent comedies by Adam Sandler, child soldier drama “Beasts of No Nation,” and youth drama “13 Reasons Why.”
In a Netflix earnings conference call earlier this month, Ted Sarandos, who is the company’s chief content officer, told stock analysts “we think (movies are) a good investment. We’re trying a lot of different things. Some of them work out great. Some of them work out not so great …. So we’re going to continue to invest in that space because we can bring films to our members when they want them, which is when the world is talking about them. And thatís almost impossible to do with a studio partner.”
The Netflix desire for a fast window for its streaming service is not supported by major movie studios, per Sarandos’ comments.
Meanwhile, Amazon, which is another movie/TV streamer, is developing its own movie slate with more effort to support theatrical release. Netflix bears watching because its $6 billion annual spending on programing makes it one of the biggest buyers of finished and created content.
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