Parents are most concerned with rough language, more than violence, in movie audience classification ratings, according to Classification And Rating Administration. CARA, which is the voluntary film rating service in the United States, issued a 30-page report “Parents Ratings Advisory Study-2015” with that conclusion and other findings.
“While 80 percent of parents in the U.S. believe the movie ratings system is accurate overall, a majority think most types of sexual content should automatically warrant an R rating and that even one use of the F-word is inappropriate for movies rated PG-13,” writes Pamela McClintock in the Hollywood Reporter.
Interestingly, CARA recently upheld an R-rating for “Where to Invade Next,” a documentary by filmmaker Michael Moore, who blasted the decision. CARA cited F-words/crude language in rejecting the appeal for a less restrictive rating. Indie-distributor Drafthouse Films is booking the documentary in theaters.
CARA is an autonomous arm of the major studios trade group and separate main movie theater owners association.
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